Welcome to your first full guided personal practice session.
How are you feeling?
Excited to dive in? A bit unsure? Resistant?
It’s OK to be feeling any or all of those things, so we'll start gently by revisiting one of the practices from our coaching session together.
The first time you try something new it can often feel awkward, and you’re just trying to get the hang of it. Coming back to it again means it will feel more familiar, so you can focus on sinking into the practice itself, rather than just trying to keep up.
It's also a chance to bring awareness to how your experience this time is different (or similar) to the one you had last time.
The 5 pillars of erotic embodiment - breath, movement, touch, sound, and focus of awareness - will all be included. And we'll be layering these elements together.
All of it is an invitation. If there’s something that just isn’t working for you don’t force yourself to do it! Listen to what your body’s telling you – that’s a big part of the practice right there!
If I suggest doing something and it’s not right for you see if you can notice what you might want instead and try that out. There’s no getting it wrong – if you follow what you want you’ll be getting it right!
How long do you need?
The audio guide lasts about 25 minutes; I recommend allowing additional time to get setup, warm up, and for journaling afterwards.
Get setup
Before you get going you might find these pointers on preparing for your practice helpful.
Find or create a space that’s comfortable for your practice.
You’re welcome to do the practice as clothed or unclothed as you like, but you’ll probably have a more interesting experience the more of your skin and body you’re able to access.
Some important things to bear in mind:
- Make sure you’re not going to be interrupted or worried about other people
- Be somewhere you can lie down, or be sitting with your back well supported and relaxed
- Make sure the space is warm enough for you to be comfortable without clothing for a while
- Have some extra cushions, pillows or blankets to hand for comfort if you need them
- Minimise distractions – mute alerts on your phone or computer
When you're ready and have taken some time to warm up, here's the guided practice:
(view on YouTube: https://youtu.be/b3-WE--oqd4 )
After your practice session
I really recommend you take some time to journal your reflections about your experience of the practice (you can write this, or record a voice note).
Some questions you might find useful as prompt points are:
- What felt enjoyable?
- What surprised you?
- What would you like to explore further another time?
Don't forget to send me a short report about your experience, as soon as possible after your session, so I can respond with support and suggestions.
And finally…
Have you got a day/time set for your next practice session? If you leave it to chance it’s much less likely to happen – trust me I speak from experience!
Now’s the time to make sure you've allocated some time in your schedule for this, if you haven't already.
Make sure you’ve got a note of it written down somewhere, so you don’t have to remember it.