What do I include in an embodied gay sex coaching session?
Sessions with me can include elements of Sexological Bodywork, Wheel Of Consent, and Sacred Intimacy. Learn more about these 3 ways of working
Honed over more than a decade of ongoing training and practice, I offer embodied gay sex and intimacy coaching which is a unique blend of Sexological Bodywork, Wheel Of Consent, and Sacred Intimacy.
Whether the focus of your session with me is learning or experiential, I’ll usually combine elements of one or more of these ways of working to create a tailored experience for you which most aligns with your intention for our time together.
These three modalities of embodied gay sex and intimacy coaching share a certain amount of common lineage and intention, and at the heart of all of them is a focus on presence in the moment, care and attention.
What is it: Sexological Bodywork® is a body-based way of learning that supports you to develop and deepen your erotic wellbeing. At its core is a belief that sexual health, erotic education, and pleasure are not only basic human rights, but basic human requirements for wellbeing.
What does it offer: Sexological Bodywork encompasses the whole somatic experience – mind, body, emotion and spirit. Unlike most talk-based coaching it offers the possibility for touch; unlike most massage or therapeutic physical therapy it can include the possibility for genital touch.
Why it’s helpful: Working this way supports you to explore arousal and embodied states of pleasure in a context which is free from cultural limitations or habitual patterns. In this way your body can become an incredible source of wisdom, and freedom.
How I use it: I use the foundations of breath, movement, sound, touch and placement of attention to help bring awareness to, and expansion of, pleasure in the body.
Note: because one of the core protocols of Sexological Bodywork is strictly one-way touch (practitioner to client) I generally no longer categorise my sessions as Sexological Bodywork sessions, but its principles of client-led empowerment and sensate education remain key to my approach.
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