Michael Dresser

Michael Dresser – who am I?

I’m a body-based sex and intimacy coach, Certified Sexological Bodyworker, and Certified Wheel Of Consent facilitator. Unlike many traditional sex and intimacy coaches, my training and experience allows me to offer hands-on learning, which can include the whole body.

My name is Michael Dresser, and I’m passionate about pleasure, intimacy, healthy relating and healthy sexual expression.

  • Sexuality is how we come into the world, and it connects us with the source of life.
  • Intimacy is how we communicate, and communication is fundamental to being healthy, both as individuals and as a community.

I believe both these things are an essential part of a fulfilling life.

Yet, for many gay men (or men who are attracted to other men), the relationship with both these crucial life elements has become disconnected, missing, or even damaged.

How I make a difference in the world

My desire is to make a positive difference in the world by working with intimacy and sexual expression to help (re)connect people to themselves, and to others.

The male body and erotic experience – in all its diversity – are particularly close to my heart. My own journey with both has illuminated the spectrum of what is possible when who we are is not about labels. Boxes are for packing things away, not living in!

I bring my learning, experience, skills, heart, and body in service to support you find and express the innate pleasure in your own body.

Choice and the needs of the individual are at the core of the sessions I facilitate, whether in a group, a partnership, or with an individual. I create safe, gentle and engaging environments in which you can learn and experience.

My journey to here

Some years ago I was an average gay man in a long-term monogamous relationship, with a ‘secure’ life in London. But something was missing. So I took a leap of faith and left it all to explore myself, and a wider world of experience.

As my sexual and intimate erotic encounters with other men increased I quickly realised something. That the deep connections being created during these interactions – even if only for a few hours – had a noticeably positive impact on my partners. Often enabling them to start to explore intimacy. Which felt unexpected and liberating for them in a world where gay sex can often be experienced as a functional exchange, lacking connection.

I became more conscious of the impact I was having by ‘just being me’, and following my instincts. And I realised that I wanted to learn to harness and channel these skills. So that I could more consciously and effectively help others.

This led me to train directly with two of the foremost teachers and leaders of erotic bodywork in the world. Joseph Kramer (founder of Sexological Bodywork, and The Body Electric), and Betty Martin (founder of the Wheel Of Consent).

My background, training and credentials

Prior to training and developing my work as a sex and intimacy coach, I had over 20 years experience in the arts, and creative, and charitable sectors, including with a number of social enterprise organisations at management level. Clear communication, listening, and inclusive engagement have always formed a core part of all my work.

I am a fully Certified Sexological Bodyworker, and a Certified Teaching Member of the School Of Consent.  My training was overseen by the founders of both modalities (Joseph Kramer and Dr Betty Martin), and my teachers and mentors include many somatic sexology and embodiment leaders across the world. Read more about my professional ethics and protocols here.

I sit on the board of the School Of Consent, the official body overseeing teaching and training of the Wheel Of Consent.

Where am I based?

I’m based in Hastings, on the south coast of the UK, and I work locally and online, as well as in London, Belfast, and other major UK cities.

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